Saturday, March 12, 2011

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My articles for La Sesia ": television money

The news was reported from page to page, site to site. Giuliano Ferrara returns to Rai. From Monday, March 14 will again present his "Here Radio London," a daily strip in the same location that was Enzo Biagi. And while this seems a long time. But not enough. For those five-minute daily broadcast seems to cash out by Ferrara Viale Mazzini three thousand euro gross. Are € 600 per minute. Are € 500 thousand a year. They make a half million euro for a three-year contract (two plus one if all goes well). Immediate controversy with question and answer forums and face book pages. Why 600 € per minute to less Ferrara are several of the 4000 € per minute and stands out that Roberto Benigni has scored in Sanremo. Benigni with the aggravating circumstance that is left, and then obliged not to wear cashmere, not to go on holiday in St. Moritz, not to have the boat and, above all, not earned similar figures. It matters little that this quarter of a million euro has given to charity. The most popular question by supporters elephant Ferrara is: who decides if they deserve Benigni and Giuliano is not it? The public sovereign, Simona Ventura would respond that in the midst of the controversy has generally found more often. € 750 thousand received from the unforgettable "castaway" Albano Carrisi in 2005. Did not finish the adventure island, but the peaks audience during her divorce from Lorenzo Lecciso live satellite remained in history. How will the ratings in the history of Benigni on 17 February: the shattered record threshold of 60% with 18 million viewers tuned Raiuno and the Festival of Sanremo 2011 . One share of World Cup (not to dwell on the purely cultural value) to 250 thousand euro. The same exact figure ended up in the pockets of Andy Garcia, who came to strum Ariston "Cuba libre" at the piano with many other results. Of course, returning to Giuliano Ferrara for which the general direction Rai you are spending in record time, it makes sense to pay for its culture and its verve partisan with 3000 € every 5 minutes not to pay 1500 to bet Kulyte Rasa. Who's Rasa Kulyte? The goddess of luck at Lotto Otto, a former Miss Lithuania, friends (including the premier) Jade. For her (although the news was disproved) attempt should be made a contract on a personal basis in the personnel department would Rai claimed that you could not pay the Kulyte 1500 € to sit still and silent in all its glory, when the Tiberio Timperi conductor receives € 400 per episode to follow the extraction of the Lotto. Eventually Jade / Rasa and he was just € 300 per episode. Because in the end women on TV are less exorbitant. Antonella Clerici took half the money to do a festival Bonolis con più ascolti. E a fronte delle vallette del passato, le tanto vituperate Belen e Canalis si sono accontentate di 160mila euro a testa.
Laura Costantini

Friday, March 11, 2011

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After the first .... The Eve

I'm at the airport in Paris waiting for the flight that will take me back 'in Italy after a long journey that began more' than thirty-five minutes ago ... the last night in Anchorage gave us a stunning and precious gift: a beautiful sunrise Boreal and that 'was the seal of a' unique experience, exciting and that the words will not describe in that post I will write 'with the intensity' which deserves .... and 'everything was so' special .... .
The return trip starts at sunrise in Anchorage with a taxi which had frozen the doors are closed and therefore did not want to load our bikes and drive to Seattle and then the long journey to Paris. Here we discover the return flight to Venice 'was canceled due to strike, so' tired though we take advantage to conclude the season with a tour of the city ', which for me always has a great charm and beauty ..... now we are here beached on the couch, tired but happy ... in the coming days I will tell you 'thing' was this Iditarod!

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Think of something else? No, I think

Ho bisogno di alzare lo sguardo, di partire per altri lidi, di pensare "alto" sorvolando a volo d'uccello la meschinita' cui ci costringono giorno dopo giorno. E cosa puo' portarti oltre la banalita' se non un libro? In attesa di riuscire a portare a termine la lettura (faticosa, ma quanto importante) di "Il maestro e Margherita" di Bulgakov, vi riprongono le mie  impressioni su un altro libro difficile ma fondamentale: "Underworld" del genio Don DeLillo.

“Ti sei mai imbattuto nella parola velleità? Possiede una bella eco tomistica. La volontà al suo livello più basso. Una piccola cosa, un desiderio, una tendenza. Se hai una volontà debole, finisci per vivere nelle pieghe più superficiali delle tue preoccupazioni. Stiamo andando a parare da qualche parte?”

“E’ la tua confessione, padre”

Il dialogo è tra Nick Shay (ma il suo vero cognome è Costanza, suo padre è uscito a comprare le sigarette e non è più tornato. Nick è un adolescente arrabbiato, talmente arrabbiato da aver ucciso un uomo senza alcun motivo valido. Finisce in riformatorio, poi in una scuola per ragazzi speciali, gestita dai gesuiti ) e Padre Paulus. Un dialogo surreale, come quasi tutti quelli che Don DeLillo ci propone in questo monumentale romanzo “ UNDERWORLD ” di 880 pagine (ed. Einaudi).
Nick Shay è solo uno dei protagonisti di queste pagine che, non ve lo nascondo, ho faticato a leggere fino in fondo. Sarà che all’inizio DeLillo dedica 59 pagine alla descrizione, quasi la telecronaca diretta, di una partita baseball. This is the final of the 1951 championship between the Giants and Dodgers, both New York teams. The Giants seemed doomed to failure, then the joke is Bobby Thompson. Ralph Branca throws the ball, Bobby hits it and enters the legend with a home run attended by Frank Sinatra and a group of his friends, including FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover. A huge wealth of information, but all I want to tell us DeLillo, in fact, is that the boundary of the ball ends up in the hands of a little black boy who is holed out.
What does Nick Shay? We'll find out much later, following first the fate of the historic baseball stained green from the impact with a pillar of the stadium and, through it, the history of the United States back and forth between 1951 (the year of the game, but also the first year of the Union's nuclear test Soviet Union within the atmosphere), the 1962 (the crisis of the Thirteen days with Cuba and the risk of World War III), the years of youth protest between '68 and '70, the struggles against racial discrimination, the 'elite and radical-chic New York-based artist who painted the American nuclear bombers abandoned in the Arizona desert, the emergence of ecological thinking, and recycling and material recovery di scarto. Nick Shay si occupa di rifiuti, gira l’America alla ricerca dei migliori metodi di riciclo e recupero. Non è un appassionato di baseball, non è appassionato di niente in realtà. Non riesce a superare l’abbandono del padre e si è convinto che sia stato rapito e ucciso, lui piccolo allibratore di Little Italy, dalla mafia italiana. Tra l’altro è bravissimo a imitare la voce roca del classico mammasantissima in puro stile “Padrino”.

John Updike di questo libro ha detto: “DeLillo riesce a leggere le ambiguità sinistre della recente storia americana nella nostra vita di tutti i giorni,soffocata by technology. "

Salman Rushdie:" Underworld is a magnificent book by an American master. "

do not know if they are right. I know that reading this novel, the river is a full-immersion experience in the U.S., its contradictions and its flaws, the basic steps of its recent history. The writing style is very special and, I believe, would not pass through certain censors around the Web plural subject that govern verbs in the singular, obsessive repetitions in dialog, switching seamlessly from one situation to another. Spoken Nick Shay's mother, invalid, shut in a room with a television set and the system of air conditioning. Then, suddenly: "He had red stitching ..." Nick Shay's mother? No, the Spalding brand of baseball that he had talked about the first four pages. An exercise in concentration without equal. But there are gems, many, too many for all citarvele.
Even the dialogue between Nick Shay and his father Paulus:

"... I thought of not having to learn things by heart."

"These are ideas that do not have to memorize. And do not take ourselves too seriously, when their noses in front to learning by rote. The repetition helps to build a memory man ... The everyday things are the most neglected knowledge. These names ( are talking about the parts of a shoe ed.) Are vital to your progress. Everyday things. If they were not important, you will not use a word derived from Latin so gorgeous. Repeat it. "

" newspaper. "

" A extraordinary word that suggests the depth and scope of the commonplace. "

If, like me, you are passionate about American history, you can not miss it.